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Windows PowerShell Shortcut Keys

Tab Completes commands where necessary.
Up Arrow Moves backward throughthe command history, beginning with the last command typed and working back towards the first command typed.
Down Arrow Moves forward through the command history.
PgUp Displays the first command in the command history.
PgDn Displays the last command in the command history.
Left Arrow Moves the cursor one character to the left on the command line.
Right Arrow Moves the cursor one character to the right on the command line.
Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the command line.
End Moves the cursor to the end of the command line.
+ Control + Left Arrow Moves the cursor one “word” to the left on the command line.
+ Control + Right Arrow Move the cursor one “word” to the right on the command line.
+ Control + c Cancels the current command.
F2 Creates a new command line from the partial contents of your last command line.
F3 Displays your previous command.
F4 Beginning from the current cursor position, F4 deletes characters up to the specified character.
F5 Like the Up arrow key, F5 moves you backward through the command history.
F7 Displays a “dialog box” that allows you to select a command from your command history.
F8 Moves backwards through the command history, but only displays commands matching text you type at the command prompt.
F9 Enables you to run a specific command from the command history.

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