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Search Options:  Set  Desktop  Style  via  Excel  Makro  

 Content of Set Desktop Style via Excel Makro.vbs
MD5 Hash: 43E329F697C21187A294F7507D65375A
On Error Resume Next
Dim iDesktopStyle : iDesktopStyle = 99

Call GetArguments(ArgArray)

If IsArray(ArgArray) then

For Each ArrayElement In ArgArray
iDesktopStyle = ArrayElement

End if

Select Case iDesktopStyle

Case 0,1,2,3
Call Main()

Case Else
WScript.Echo "Possible Arguments for the Script are 0,1,2 or 3" & VBCrLF & VBCrLF & "Call the Script like:" & VBCrLF & Chr(34) & "Set Desktop Style via Excel Makro.vbs 2" & Chr(34) & VBCrLF & VBCrLF & "Arguments Detail:" &_
VBCrLF & "0 = Style Normal Icon" & VBCrLF & "1 = Style Report" & VBCrLF & "2 = Style Small Icon" & VBCrLF & "3 = Style List"
End Select

' --------
Sub Main()

Dim ExcelApp : Set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
ExcelApp.Visible = False
Dim ExcelAppWBk : Set ExcelAppWBk = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add
Dim ExcelAppMod : Set ExcelAppMod = ExcelAppWBk.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(1)
Dim ofso : Set ofso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim oWshShell : Set oWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

ExcelAppMod.CodeModule.AddFromString "Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib " & Chr(34) & "user32" & Chr(34) & " Alias " & Chr(34) & "SendMessageA" & Chr(34) & " (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long" & _
VBCrLf & "Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib " & Chr(34) & "user32" & Chr(34) & " Alias " & Chr(34) & "GetWindowLongA" & Chr(34) & " ( ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long" & _
VBCrLf & "Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib " & Chr(34) & "user32" & Chr(34) & " Alias " & Chr(34) & "FindWindowA" & Chr(34) & " ( ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long" & _
VBCrLf & "Private Declare Function GetWindow Lib " & Chr(34) & "user32" & Chr(34) & " ( ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long" & _
VBCrLf & "Public Const VM_ICON = " & Chr(38) & "H0" &_
VBCrLf & "Public Const VM_REPORT = " & Chr(38) & "H1" &_
VBCrLf & "Public Const VM_SMALLICON = " & Chr(38) & "H2" &_
VBCrLf & "Public Const VM_LIST = " & Chr(38) & "H3" &_
VBCrLf & "Private Const GW_CHILD = 5" &_
VBCrLf & "Private Const GWL_STYLE = (-16)" &_
VBCrLf & "Private Const LVS_TYPEMASK = " & Chr(38) & "H3" &_
VBCrLf & "Private Const WM_STYLECHANGED = " & Chr(38) & "H7D" &_
VBCrLf & "Private Type StyleBits" &_
VBCrLf & "dwOld As Long" &_
VBCrLf & "dwNew As Long" &_
VBCrLf & "End Type" &_
VBCrLf & "Public Function SetDesktopStyle2(ByVal Flag As Long)" &_
VBCrLf & "Dim hWnd As Long" &_
VBCrLf & "Dim sb As StyleBits" &_
VBCrLf & "hWnd = FindWindow(" & Chr(34) & "Progman" & Chr(34) & ", " & Chr(34) & "Program Manager" & Chr(34) & ")" &_
VBCrLf & "hWnd = GetWindow(hWnd, GW_CHILD)" &_
VBCrLf & "hWnd = GetWindow(hWnd, GW_CHILD)" &_
VBCrLf & "With sb" &_
VBCrLf & ".dwOld = GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_STYLE)" &_
VBCrLf & ".dwNew = .dwOld" &_
VBCrLf & ".dwNew = .dwNew And Not LVS_TYPEMASK" &_
VBCrLf & ".dwNew = .dwNew Or Flag" &_
VBCrLf & "End With" &_
VBCrLf & " SendMessage hWnd, WM_STYLECHANGED, GWL_STYLE, sb" &_
VBCrLf & "End Function" &_
VBCrLf & "Public Function SetDesktopStyle(iStyle)" &_
VBCrLf & "Select Case iStyle" &_
VBCrLf & "Case 0" &_
VBCrLf & "Call SetDesktopStyle2(VM_ICON)" &_
VBCrLf & "Case 1" &_
VBCrLf & "Call SetDesktopStyle2(VM_REPORT)" &_
VBCrLf & "Case 2" &_
VBCrLf & "Call SetDesktopStyle2(VM_SMALLICON)" &_
VBCrLf & "Case 3" &_
VBCrLf & "Call SetDesktopStyle2(VM_LIST)" &_
VBCrLf & "End Select" &_
VBCrLf & "End Function"

ExcelApp.Run "SetDesktopStyle(" & iDesktopStyle & ")"
ExcelAppWBk.Close False

End Sub

' ----------------------------------------
Private Function GetArguments(SourceArray)

Dim iCount : iCount = 0

If wscript.arguments.count > 0 then

ReDim ArgArray(wscript.arguments.count -1)

For Each Argument in wscript.arguments

ArgArray(iCount) = Argument
iCount = iCount +1

iCount = Null
GetArguments = ArgArray

End if

End Function

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