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Search Options: Create a User Account and Add it to a Group and an OUContent of Create a User Account and Add it to a Group and an OU.vbsMD5 Hash: 1115BCB0A55FA1701A5FAB856DE67C56 |
' Description: Demonstration script that: 1) creates a new Active Directory organizational unit; 2) creates a new user account and new security group; and, 3) adds the new user as a member of that security group.
Set objDomain = GetObject("LDAP://dc=fabrikam,dc=com") Set objOU = objDomain.Create("organizationalUnit", "ou=Management") objOU.SetInfo Set objOU = GetObject("LDAP://OU=Management,dc=fabrikam,dc=com") Set objUser = objOU.Create("User", "cn= AckermanPilar") objUser.Put "sAMAccountName", "AckermanPila" objUser.SetInfo Set objOU = GetObject("LDAP://OU=Management,dc=fabrikam,dc=com") Set objGroup = objOU.Create("Group", "cn=atl-users") objGroup.Put "sAMAccountName", "atl-users" objGroup.SetInfo objGroup.Add objUser.ADSPath | ||
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