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Search Options:  Computer  stress  test  for  CPU  and  RAM  

 Content of Computer stress test for CPU and RAM.vbs
MD5 Hash: 351C4C9BBB5384F8097B19017CA52D18
'Information (c) Boris Toll - 2008
'Attention! Running this Script can produce unexpected errors on your PC.
'You run this Script at your own risk.

'The Author takes no liability for possible damages or errors by direct or indirect executing, modifying or distributing this Script.
'The Script uses a lot of physical memory and CPU capacity and it might be possible that you will have to hard reboot your PC to stop the Script.
'Normally the Script runs between one and five minutes and stops automatically.

On Error Resume Next

Dim ofso : Set ofso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim oWshShell : Set oWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim iRet

iRet = MsgBox("Attention! Running this Script can produce unexpected errors on your PC." &_
VbCrLf & "You run this Script at your own risk." &_
VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "The Author takes no liability for possible damages or errors by direct or indirect executing, modifying or distributing this Script." &_
VbCrLf & "The Script uses a lot of physical memory and CPU capacity and it might be possible that you will have to hard reboot your PC to stop the Script." &_
VbCrLf & "Normally the Script runs between one and five minutes and stops automatically.", 36, "Information")

Select Case iRet

Case 6

Case 7
Case Else
End Select

If ofso.FileExists("exit.flg") then
ofso.DeleteFile "exit.flg",True
End if

Dim oFile : Set oFile = ofso.OpenTextFile("proc.vbs",2,True)
oFile.WriteLine "On Error Resume Next"
oFile.WriteLine "Dim ofso : Set ofso = CreateObject(" & Chr(34) & "Scripting.FileSystemObject" & Chr(34) & ")"
oFile.WriteLine "wscript.sleep 15000"
oFile.WriteLine "Do"
oFile.WriteLine "If ofso.FileExists(" & Chr(34) & "exit.flg" & Chr(34) & ") then"
oFile.WriteLine "wscript.quit"
oFile.WriteLine "End if"
oFile.WriteLine "Loop"

Set oFile = ofso.OpenTextFile("mem.vbs",2,True)
oFile.WriteLine "On Error Resume Next"
oFile.WriteLine "Dim ofso : Set ofso = CreateObject(" & Chr(34) & "Scripting.FileSystemObject" & Chr(34) & ")"
oFile.WriteLine "wscript.sleep 15000"
oFile.WriteLine "Do"
oFile.WriteLine "If ofso.FileExists(" & Chr(34) & "exit.flg" & Chr(34) & ") then"
oFile.WriteLine "wscript.quit"
oFile.WriteLine "End if"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem01 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem02 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem03 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem04 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem05 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem06 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem07 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem08 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem09 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem10 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem11 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem12 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem13 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem14 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem15 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem16 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem17 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem18 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem19 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem20 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem21 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem22 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem23 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem24 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem25 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem26 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem27 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem28 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem29 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem30 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem31 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem32 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem33 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem34 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem35 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem36 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem37 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem38 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem39 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem40 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem41 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem42 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem43 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem44 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem45 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem46 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem47 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem48 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem49 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "testMem50 = Space(32000000)"
oFile.WriteLine "Loop"

For iCount = 0 to 50
oWshShell.Run "mem.vbs",0,False
oWshShell.Run "proc.vbs",0,False

Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colProcesses = oWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'wscript.exe'")
For Each objProcess in colProcesses
Set colProcesses = oWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'cscript.exe'")
For Each objProcess in colProcesses

wscript.sleep 50000
Set oFile = ofso.OpenTextFile("exit.flg",2,True)

   © 2008 - 2013 Boris Toll      :: Scripts available: 6.481 ::      :: scriptbox.toll.at ::      :: powered by www.toll.at ::
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