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Search Options:  2008  Scripting  Games  Advanced  VBScript  Event  7  

 Content of 2008 Scripting Games Advanced VBScript Event 7.vbs
MD5 Hash: 05AD9FE07BD733B22DE462AB148AA00E
' This is my Solution for the Scripting Games 2008
' For more Information look at
' http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/funzone/games/games08.mspx

Option Explicit

Dim iCount, iCount2
Dim iCountRnd : iCountRnd = 0
Dim iRandom
Dim strResultGames

Dim arrTeams(5)
Dim bRandome
Dim arrGamesRandom(14,1)

arrTeams(0) = "A"
arrTeams(1) = "B"
arrTeams(2) = "C"
arrTeams(3) = "D"
arrTeams(4) = "E"
arrTeams(5) = "F"

For iCount = 0 To Ubound(arrTeams)

For iCount2 = iCount To Ubound(arrTeams) -1

iRandom = RadomeInt(100)
If IsArray(arrGamesRandom) then

bRandome = CheckRandome(arrGamesRandom,iRandom)

Do while bRandome = true
iRandom = RadomeInt(100)
bRandome = CheckRandome(arrGamesRandom,iRandom)

End if

arrGamesRandom(iCountRnd,0) = arrTeams(iCount) & " vs. " & _
arrTeams(iCount2 +1)

arrGamesRandom(iCountRnd,1) = iRandom
iCountRnd = iCountRnd +1


Call SortArrayDim(arrGamesRandom, "ASC")

For iCount = 0 to UBound(arrGamesRandom)

strResultGames = strResultGames & arrGamesRandom(iCount,0) & vbcrlf


wscript.echo strResultGames

Private Function RadomeInt(iMax)

RadomeInt = Int((iMax * Rnd) + 1)

End Function

Private Function CheckRandome(arrSource, iRandom)

Dim iRet : iRet = false

Dim iCount3

For iCount3 = 0 to UBound(arrSource)
If arrSource(iCount3,1) = iRandom then
iRet = true
Exit For
End if

CheckRandome = iRet

End Function

Private Function SortArrayDim(SourceArray, strSortTyp)

Dim Sorted, iCount, Temp, Temp2

Sorted = False

Do While Not Sorted
Sorted = True

For iCount = 0 To UBound(SourceArray) - 1

Select Case UCase(strSortTyp)

Case "ASC"

If UCase(SourceArray(iCount, 1)) > UCase(SourceArray(iCount + 1, 1)) Then
Temp = SourceArray(iCount + 1, 0)
Temp2 = SourceArray(iCount + 1, 1)
SourceArray(iCount + 1, 0) = SourceArray(iCount, 0)
SourceArray(iCount + 1, 1) = SourceArray(iCount, 1)
SourceArray(iCount, 0) = Temp
SourceArray(iCount, 1) = Temp2
Sorted = False
End If

Case "DESC"

If UCase(SourceArray(iCount, 1)) < UCase(SourceArray(iCount + 1, 1)) Then
Temp = SourceArray(iCount + 1, 0)
Temp2 = SourceArray(iCount + 1, 1)
SourceArray(iCount + 1, 0) = SourceArray(iCount, 0)
SourceArray(iCount + 1, 1) = SourceArray(iCount, 1)
SourceArray(iCount, 0) = Temp
SourceArray(iCount, 1) = Temp2
Sorted = False
End If

End Select



End Function

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