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Search Options:  2008  Scripting  Games  Advanced  VBScript  Event  3  

 Content of 2008 Scripting Games Advanced VBScript Event 3.vbs
MD5 Hash: CC34BA2703BA4FB4E46749A900A67345
' This is my Solution for the Scripting Games 2008
' For more Information look at
' http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/funzone/games/games08.mspx

Option Explicit

Dim ofso : Set ofso = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Const ForAppending = 8

Dim Candidates()
Dim CandidatesValues()
ReDim Candidates(3)
ReDim CandidatesValues(3)
Candidates(0) = "Syed Abbas"
Candidates(1) = "Ken Myer"
Candidates(2) = "Jonathan Haas"
Candidates(3) = "Pilar Ackerman"

Dim CountVotes, iVotesPercent
Dim arrVotesCalc()

Dim Candidate_Array()

Call Main()

' ---------------------------------------
Sub Main()

Dim arrVotes, iCount, iCount2, iChecks
Dim arrTmpVotes, Remove_Candidate

arrVotes = ReadFileToArray("C:\Scripts\votes.txt")

If IsArray(arrVotes) then

CountVotes = UBound(arrVotes) +1
iVotesPercent = CountVotes / 100

ReDim arrVotesCalc(UBound(arrVotes), 3)

For iCount = 0 to UBound(arrVotes)

If IsArray(arrTmpVotes) then Erase arrTmpVotes
arrTmpVotes = Split(arrVotes(iCount), ",", -1, 1)

For iCount2 = 0 to UBound(arrTmpVotes)

arrVotesCalc(iCount,iCount2) = arrTmpVotes(iCount2)



For iChecks = 1 to 3

Call GetVotes()

If CheckWinner(CandidatesValues) = True then
msgbox "The winner is " & Candidates(0) & " with " & _
CandidatesValues(0) & "% of the vote."
Exit For
Exit Sub

Remove_Candidate = Candidates(Ubound(Candidates))

ReDim Preserve Candidates(Ubound(Candidates) -1)
ReDim Preserve CandidatesValues(Ubound(CandidatesValues) -1)

For iCount = 0 to Ubound(CandidatesValues)
CandidatesValues(iCount) = 0

Call RemoveCandidateFromArray(arrVotesCalc, Remove_Candidate)

End if


End if

End Sub

' ---------------------------------------
Private Function ReadFileToArray(strFile)

Dim strNextLine, arrstrList
Dim arrLines()
Dim iCount : iCount = 0

If ofso.FileExists(strFile) then

Dim oFile : Set oFile = ofso.OpenTextFile(strFile, ForReading)

Do Until oFile.AtEndOfStream

Redim Preserve arrLines(iCount)
arrLines(iCount) = oFile.ReadLine
iCount = iCount + 1



End if

Set oFile = nothing

If IsArray(arrLines) then ReadFileToArray = arrLines

End Function

' ---------------------------------------
Public Function GetVotes()

Dim iCount, iCount2

For iCount = 0 to UBound(arrVotesCalc)

For iCount2 = 0 to Ubound(Candidates)

Select Case arrVotesCalc(iCount,0)

Case Candidates(iCount2)
CandidatesValues(iCount2) = CandidatesValues(iCount2) +1

End Select



For iCount = 0 to Ubound(CandidatesValues)

CandidatesValues(iCount) = CandidatesValues(iCount) / iVotesPercent


Call SortArrayDim2(CandidatesValues, "DESC")

End Function

' ---------------------------------------
Private Function SortArrayDim2(SourceArray, strSortTyp)

Dim Sorted, iCount, Temp, Temp2

Sorted = False

Do While Not Sorted
Sorted = True

For iCount = 0 To UBound(SourceArray) - 1

Select Case UCase(strSortTyp)

Case "DESC"

If UCase(SourceArray(iCount)) < UCase(SourceArray(iCount + 1)) Then
Temp = SourceArray(iCount + 1)
Temp2 = Candidates(iCount + 1)
SourceArray(iCount + 1) = SourceArray(iCount)
Candidates(iCount + 1) = Candidates(iCount)
SourceArray(iCount) = Temp
Candidates(iCount) = Temp2
Sorted = False
End If

End Select



End Function

' ---------------------------------------
Private Function CheckWinner(SourceArray)

If SourceArray(0) > 50 then
CheckWinner = True

CheckWinner = False

End if

End Function

' ---------------------------------------
Private Function RemoveCandidateFromArray(SourceArray, strCandidate)
Dim iCount

For iCount = 0 to UBound(SourceArray)

If SourceArray(iCount,0) = strCandidate then
SourceArray(iCount,0) = SourceArray(iCount,1)
SourceArray(iCount,1) = SourceArray(iCount,2)
SourceArray(iCount,2) = SourceArray(iCount,3)
SourceArray(iCount,3) = ""
End if

If SourceArray(iCount,1) = strCandidate then SourceArray(iCount,1) = ""
If SourceArray(iCount,2) = strCandidate then SourceArray(iCount,2) = ""
If SourceArray(iCount,3) = strCandidate then SourceArray(iCount,3) = ""


End Function

   © 2008 - 2013 Boris Toll      :: Scripts available: 6.481 ::      :: scriptbox.toll.at ::      :: powered by www.toll.at ::
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