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 Configure Internet sites security zone settings for Specify how applications and unsafe files are started (Zone 3).vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Intranet security zone settings for Specify how applications and unsafe files are started (Zone 1).vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Restricted sites security zone settings for Specify how applications and unsafe files are started (Zone 4).vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Screen saver settings for Specify how long the system waits before starting the screen saver.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Enable drag and drop on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Enable Start menu scrolling.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Highlight newly-installed programs on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Set the number of most-frequently used programs that appear on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Show Administrative Tools on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Show Control Panel on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Show Favorites on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Show Help on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Show My Computer on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Show My Documents on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Show My Music on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Show My Pictures on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Show My Recent Documents on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Show Network Connections on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Show Network Places on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Show Printers and Faxes on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Show Search on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Show the Run command on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Start menu settings for Use large icons for the most-frequently used items on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Trusted sites security zone settings for Specify how applications and unsafe files are started (Zone 2).vbs  { Search }  
 Configuring the Indexing Service to Autostart.vbs  { Search }  
 Determine the Date and Time that a Process Started.js  { Search }  
 Determine the Date and Time that a Process Started.vbs  { Search }  
 Get a List of All the Groups Whose Name Starts with G-S-Group.vbs  { Search }  
 List Computer Startup Commands.ps1  { Search }  
 List Computer Startup Commands.vbs  { Search }  
 List Computer Startup Options.vbs  { Search }  
 List Items in the All Users Start Menu Folder.js  { Search }  
 List Items in the All Users Start Menu Folder.vbs  { Search }  
 List Items in the All Users Startup Folder.js  { Search }  
 List Items in the All Users Startup Folder.vbs  { Search }  
 List Items in the Start Menu Folder.js  { Search }  
 List Items in the Start Menu Folder.vbs  { Search }  
 List Items in the Startup Folder.js  { Search }  
 List Items in the Startup Folder.vbs  { Search }  
 List Start Menu Groups.ps1  { Search }  
 List Start Menu Items.ps1  { Search }  
 List Start Menu Items.vbs  { Search }  
 List Start Menu Program Groups.ps1  { Search }  
 List Start Menu Program Groups.vbs  { Search }  
 List Start of Authority DNS Records.vbs  { Search }  
 Modify Print Job Start Time.vbs  { Search }  
 Modify Service Start Options.vbs  { Search }  
 Modify System Startup Delay.vbs  { Search }  
 Pin link to start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Restart a Computer.vbs  { Search }  
 Restart a Web Directory Application.vbs  { Search }  
 Restart an Application in a Virtual Directory.vbs  { Search }  
 Restart an Application in a Web Directory.vbs  { Search }  
 Resume AutoStart Services that are Paused.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Internet sites security zone settings for Specify how applications and unsafe files are started (Zone 3).vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Intranet security zone settings for Specify how applications and unsafe files are started (Zone 1).vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Restricted sites security zone settings for Specify how applications and unsafe files are started (Zone 4).vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Screen saver settings for Specify how long the system waits before starting the screen saver.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Enable drag and drop on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Enable Start menu scrolling.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Highlight newly-installed programs on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Set the number of most-frequently used programs that appear on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Show Administrative Tools on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Show Control Panel on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Show Favorites on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Show Help on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Show My Computer on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Show My Documents on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Show My Music on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Show My Pictures on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Show My Recent Documents on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Show Network Connections on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Show Network Places on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Show Printers and Faxes on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Show Search on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Show the Run command on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Start menu settings for Use large icons for the most-frequently used items on the Start menu.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Trusted sites security zone settings for Specify how applications and unsafe files are started (Zone 2).vbs  { Search }  
 Search for All the Groups Whose Name Starts With a Specific Set of Characters.ps1  { Search }  
 Start a Process and Then Log the User Off When That Process Ends.vbs  { Search }  
 Start a Process and Then Wait For the Process to End Before Terminating the Script.vbs  { Search }  
 Start a Service and Its Dependents.vbs  { Search }  
 Start a Service.ps1  { Search }  
 Start a Service.vbs  { Search }  
 Start a Virtual Machine.vbs  { Search }  
 Start a Web Server.vbs  { Search }  
 Start an Application Pool.vbs  { Search }  
 Start an FTP Server.vbs  { Search }  
 Start AutoStart Services that have Stopped.vbs  { Search }  
 Start DNS Server Scavenging.vbs  { Search }  
 Start Lotus Notes Client.vbs  { Search }  
 Start Outlook If It Isn’t Already Running.vbs  { Search }  
 Start the DNS Server Service.vbs  { Search }  
 Start the Indexing Service.vbs  { Search }  
 Tell Which Switches Were Used When Starting an Executable File.vbs  { Search }  
 Wait Until One Application Has Quit Before Starting a Second Application.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetModuleDiagStartEvent Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetModuleDiagStartEvent Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetSessionStatePartitionStart Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetSessionStatePartitionStart Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetStart Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetStart Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetStartHandler Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetStartHandler Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetWebEventDeliverStart Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetWebEventDeliverStart Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetWebEventRaiseStart Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetWebEventRaiseStart Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI GCStart Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI GCStart Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_StatusResetStart Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_StatusResetStart Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI RestartEE Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI RestartEE Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI root_CIMV2 Win32_StartupCommand Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Access11AlternateStartupFileLoc Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Access11StartupFolder Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Excel11AlternateStartupFileLoc Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Excel11StartupFolder Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_OutlookAlternateStartupFile Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_OutlookStartupFolder Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_PowerPoint11AlternateStartupLoc Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_PowerPoint11StartupFolder Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11AlternateStartupFileLocation Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11StartupFolder Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Word11AlternateStartupFileLocation Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Word11StartupFileLocation Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI AspNetModuleDiagStartEvent Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI AspNetSessionStatePartitionStart Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI AspNetStart Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI AspNetStartHandler Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI AspNetWebEventDeliverStart Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI AspNetWebEventRaiseStart Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI GCStart Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI MSNdis_StatusResetStart Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI RestartEE Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Access11AlternateStartupFileLoc Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Access11AlternateStartupFileLoc Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Access11StartupFolder Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Access11StartupFolder Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Excel11AlternateStartupFileLoc Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Excel11AlternateStartupFileLoc Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Excel11StartupFolder Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Excel11StartupFolder Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_OutlookAlternateStartupFile Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_OutlookAlternateStartupFile Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_OutlookStartupFolder Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_OutlookStartupFolder Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_PowerPoint11AlternateStartupLoc Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_PowerPoint11AlternateStartupLoc Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_PowerPoint11StartupFolder Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_PowerPoint11StartupFolder Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_ProcessStartTrace Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_ProcessStartup Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11AlternateStartupFileLocation Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11AlternateStartupFileLocation Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11StartupFolder Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11StartupFolder Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_StartupCommand Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_StartupCommand Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_ThreadStartTrace Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Word11AlternateStartupFileLocation Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Word11AlternateStartupFileLocation Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Word11StartupFileLocation Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Word11StartupFileLocation Query.vbs  { Search }  

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