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 Activate Windows Offline.vbs  { Search }  
 Activate Windows Online.vbs  { Search }  
 Add a Blank Line Between the Existing Paragraphs in a Word Document.vbs  { Search }  
 Add a Line to the Top of a Text File.vbs  { Search }  
 Add an HTML Tag to the End of Each Line in a File.vbs  { Search }  
 Add Leading Zeroes to All the Lines in a Text File.vbs  { Search }  
 Add the Last Lines from a Group of Text Files to a Word Document.vbs  { Search }  
 Append a Blank Line to a Text File, Then Append the Current Date and Time.vbs  { Search }  
 Combine Lines in a Text File.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Administrative settings for Synchronize offline items on schedule.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure AutoCompletion settings for Use AutoCompletion when filling in online forms.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Media and multimedia settings for Suppress display of online media content in the content bar.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Mouse settings for Configure the number of lines scrolled with each rotation of the mouse wheel.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Windows Explorer settings for Specify whether icon title text wraps to the next line.vbs  { Search }  
 Count the Number of Lines in a Text File.vbs  { Search }  
 Delete Just the Last Line of a Text File.vbs  { Search }  
 Delete the First Line and the Last Line in a Text File.vbs  { Search }  
 Display Multiple Lines of Output in a Web Page.vbs  { Search }  
 Force Users to Type Command-line Arguments in a Specific Order.vbs  { Search }  
 Get Commandline Arguments.vbs  { Search }  
 Get Username on one line.ps1  { Search }  
 Increment the Last Line in a Text File.vbs  { Search }  
 Insert a Manual Line Break into a Microsoft Word Document.js  { Search }  
 Insert a Manual Line Break into a Microsoft Word Document.vbs  { Search }  
 Insert a Page Break in a Text File After Each Line Where the Only Character is the Number 1.vbs  { Search }  
 Insert Commas at Specified Locations in Each Line in a Text File.vbs  { Search }  
 Mask Command Line Passwords.vbs  { Search }  
 Modify a Text File and Then Extract Selected Lines From the Modified Contents.vbs  { Search }  
 Monitor Baseline Performance.vbs  { Search }  
 Number the Lines in a Text File.vbs  { Search }  
 Prompt a User for Information and Then That Information to a Command-Line Tool.vbs  { Search }  
 Read Just the Last Line of a Text file.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Administrative settings for Synchronize offline items on schedule.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve AutoCompletion settings for Use AutoCompletion when filling in online forms.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Media and multimedia settings for Suppress display of online media content in the content bar.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Mouse settings for Configure the number of lines scrolled with each rotation of the mouse wheel.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Windows Explorer settings for Specify whether icon title text wraps to the next line.vbs  { Search }  
 Reverse All the Lines in a Text File.vbs  { Search }  
 Take Action Based on the First Line of a Text File.vbs  { Search }  
 Trim lines in files.vbs  { Search }  
 Use a Text File as a Command Line Argument.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetPipelineModuleEnter Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetPipelineModuleEnter Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetPipelineModuleLeave Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI AspNetPipelineModuleLeave Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_TokenRingLineErrors Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_TokenRingLineErrors Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI root_CIMV2 Win32_ApplicationCommandLine Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_CIMV2 Win32_CommandLineAccess Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI AspNetPipelineModuleEnter Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI AspNetPipelineModuleLeave Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI MSNdis_TokenRingLineErrors Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_ApplicationCommandLine Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_ApplicationCommandLine Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_CommandLineAccess Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_CommandLineAccess Query.vbs  { Search }  

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