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 Add -Command Prompt Here- to Windows Explorer.vbs  { Search }  
 Add a User to a Group if That User Belongs to Two Other Groups.vbs  { Search }  
 Color Every Other Row in an Excel Spreadsheet.vbs  { Search }  
 Compare a List of Names in One Excel Column to a List of Names in Another Column.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Download settings for Specify whether a message is displayed at the end of a file download.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Internet sites security zone settings for Specify whether a Web page can save a cookie to the computer (Zone 3).vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Internet sites security zone settings for Specify whether HTML pages can submit or accept forms (Zone 3).vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Intranet security zone settings for Specify whether a Web page can save a cookie to the computer (Zone 1).vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Intranet security zone settings for Specify whether HTML pages can submit or accept forms (Zone 1).vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Media and multimedia settings for Play music and other sounds.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Media and multimedia settings for Specify whether an image expands to fit all of the alternate text.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Restricted sites security zone settings for Specify whether a Web page can save a cookie to the computer (Zone 4).vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Restricted sites security zone settings for Specify whether HTML pages can submit or accept forms (Zone 4).vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Screen saver settings for Verify whether or not a screen saver is being used.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Security settings for Issue a warning when information is sent to another Web site.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Trusted sites security zone settings for Specify whether a Web page can save a cookie to the computer (Zone 2).vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Trusted sites security zone settings for Specify whether HTML pages can submit or accept forms (Zone 2).vbs  { Search }  
 Configure User interface settings for Close other folders when opening an item in Favorites, History, or Organize Favorites.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure User interface settings for Specify whether Web pages appear in an open browser window or a new window.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Windows Explorer settings for Specify the number of columns in the Task Switcher.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Windows Explorer settings for Specify the number of rows in the Task Switcher.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Windows Explorer settings for Specify whether icon title text wraps to the next line.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Windows Explorer settings for Specify whether processes end when a user logs out.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Windows Explorer settings for Specify whether the contents of a window appear when that window is dragged.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Windows Explorer settings for Specify whether the Task Switcher appears when a user presses Alt-TAB.vbs  { Search }  
 Configure Windows Explorer settings for Specify whether windows are animated when minimized, maximized, or restored.vbs  { Search }  
 Copy Allowed Logon Hours from One Account to Another.vbs  { Search }  
 Copy Data From One Spreadsheet to Another.vbs  { Search }  
 Create a Higher Priority Process.vbs  { Search }  
 Delete an otherMobile Phone Number.vbs  { Search }  
 Determine if an OU is Blocking Group Policy Inheritance.vbs  { Search }  
 Determine the Path to the Folder Where a Script is Running.vbs  { Search }  
 Determine When a User Last Changed His or Her Password.vbs  { Search }  
 Determine Whether a Computer Has Any USB 2.0 Ports.js  { Search }  
 Determine Whether a Computer Has Any USB 2.0 Ports.vbs  { Search }  
 Determine Whether a Domain is in Mixed Mode or Native Mode.vbs  { Search }  
 Determine Whether a File Exists on a Remote Computer.vbs  { Search }  
 Determine Whether or Not a Group Has Any Members.vbs  { Search }  
 Determine Whether or Not My Local Users are Required to Have a Password.vbs  { Search }  
 Determine Whether Terminal Services is Enabled on a Windows Server 2003 Computer.vbs  { Search }  
 How Can Tell Whether the NumLock Key is On or Off.js  { Search }  
 How Can Tell Whether the NumLock Key is On or Off.vbs  { Search }  
 Insert a Page Break in a Text File After Each Line Where the Only Character is the Number 1.vbs  { Search }  
 Launch Two Applications. Wait Until One Program Ends and Then Close the Other.vbs  { Search }  
 List Motherboard Device Information.ps1  { Search }  
 List Motherboard Device Information.vbs  { Search }  
 List Other Groups a Group Belongs To.vbs  { Search }  
 Modify ARP Queries to Use EtherSNAP.vbs  { Search }  
 Prevent a Local User From Changing His or Her Password.vbs  { Search }  
 Print Text Files to a Printer Other than the Default Printer.vbs  { Search }  
 Re-Launch Internet Explorer if No Other Instances are Running.vbs  { Search }  
 Require a Local User to Change His or Her Password.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Download settings for Specify whether a message is displayed at the end of a file download.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Internet sites security zone settings for Specify whether a Web page can save a cookie to the computer (Zone 3).vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Internet sites security zone settings for Specify whether HTML pages can submit or accept forms (Zone 3).vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Intranet security zone settings for Specify whether a Web page can save a cookie to the computer (Zone 1).vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Intranet security zone settings for Specify whether HTML pages can submit or accept forms (Zone 1).vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Media and multimedia settings for Play music and other sounds.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Media and multimedia settings for Specify whether an image expands to fit all of the alternate text.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Restricted sites security zone settings for Specify whether a Web page can save a cookie to the computer (Zone 4).vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Restricted sites security zone settings for Specify whether HTML pages can submit or accept forms (Zone 4).vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Screen saver settings for Verify whether or not a screen saver is being used.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Security settings for Issue a warning when information is sent to another Web site.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Trusted sites security zone settings for Specify whether a Web page can save a cookie to the computer (Zone 2).vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Trusted sites security zone settings for Specify whether HTML pages can submit or accept forms (Zone 2).vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve User interface settings for Close other folders when opening an item in Favorites, History, or Organize Favorites.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve User interface settings for Specify whether Web pages appear in an open browser window or a new window.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Windows Explorer settings for Specify the number of columns in the Task Switcher.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Windows Explorer settings for Specify the number of rows in the Task Switcher.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Windows Explorer settings for Specify whether icon title text wraps to the next line.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Windows Explorer settings for Specify whether processes end when a user logs out.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Windows Explorer settings for Specify whether the contents of a window appear when that window is dragged.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Windows Explorer settings for Specify whether the Task Switcher appears when a user presses Alt-TAB.vbs  { Search }  
 Retrieve Windows Explorer settings for Specify whether windows are animated when minimized, maximized, or restored.vbs  { Search }  
 Send Data from One Script to Another.vbs  { Search }  
 Tell Whether a Computer has a Specific CD in It.vbs  { Search }  
 Tell Whether a Laptop Computer is Running Off Batteries.vbs  { Search }  
 Tell Whether a Number is Even or Odd.vbs  { Search }  
 Tell Whether a Value Exists in the Registry.vbs  { Search }  
 Tell Whether a Web Page is Accessible.vbs  { Search }  
 Verify Whether an Account Exists in a Windows NT 4.0 Domain.vbs  { Search }  
 Verify Whether Attributes are Indexed and-or in the Global Catalog.vbs  { Search }  
 Verify Whether Internet Explorer Enhanced Security is Enabled for the Logged-on User.vbs  { Search }  
 Verify Whether Users Can Change Their Passwords.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI MicrosoftIE_Publisher Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI MicrosoftIE_Publisher Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetCurrentAddress Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetCurrentAddress Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetMacOptions Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetMacOptions Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetMaximumMulticastListSize Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetMaximumMulticastListSize Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetMoreTransmitCollisions Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetMoreTransmitCollisions Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetMulticastList Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetMulticastList Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetOneTransmitCollision Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetOneTransmitCollision Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetPermanentAddress Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetPermanentAddress Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetReceiveErrorAlignment Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI MSNdis_EthernetReceiveErrorAlignment Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI root_CIMV2 Win32_MotherboardDevice Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_CIMV2_Applications_MicrosoftIE MicrosoftIE_Publisher Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11ActiveDocument Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11ActiveDocumentNoTable Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11AlternateStartupFileLocation Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11CharacterStyle Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11COMAddIn Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11COMAddIns Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11DefaultFileLocation Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11Font Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11Fonts Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11Hyperlink Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11Hyperlinks Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11MailMerge Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11PageNumber Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11PageSetup Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11ParagraphStyle Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11Sections Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11SelectedTable Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11StartupFolder Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11Styles Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11Table Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_Publisher11Tables Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_MSAPPS11 Win32_PublisherSummary Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI MSNdis_EthernetCurrentAddress Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI MSNdis_EthernetMacOptions Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI MSNdis_EthernetMaximumMulticastListSize Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI MSNdis_EthernetMoreTransmitCollisions Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI MSNdis_EthernetMulticastList Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI MSNdis_EthernetOneTransmitCollision Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI MSNdis_EthernetPermanentAddress Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI root_WMI MSNdis_EthernetReceiveErrorAlignment Query.ps1  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_MotherboardDevice Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_MotherboardDevice Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11ActiveDocument Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11ActiveDocument Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11ActiveDocumentNoTable Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11ActiveDocumentNoTable Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11AlternateStartupFileLocation Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11AlternateStartupFileLocation Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11CharacterStyle Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11CharacterStyle Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11COMAddIn Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11COMAddIn Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11COMAddIns Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11COMAddIns Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11DefaultFileLocation Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11DefaultFileLocation Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Font Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Font Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Fonts Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Fonts Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Hyperlink Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Hyperlink Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Hyperlinks Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Hyperlinks Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11MailMerge Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11MailMerge Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11PageNumber Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11PageNumber Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11PageSetup Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11PageSetup Query.vbs  { Search }  
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 WMI Win32_Publisher11ParagraphStyle Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Sections Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Sections Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11SelectedTable Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11SelectedTable Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11StartupFolder Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11StartupFolder Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Styles Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Styles Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Table Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Table Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Tables Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_Publisher11Tables Query.vbs  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_PublisherSummary Query.js  { Search }  
 WMI Win32_PublisherSummary Query.vbs  { Search }  

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